I'm not going into the full details here but just look up the book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. She did a full year of "happiness" searching and working on the things she always wanted to. I want to draw, paint, create, love, give, laugh, sing, dance,.... but always feel weighed down by life so to speak. I'm starting in June. the next couple of weeks I will be prepping and coming up with my goals (I really hate that word but can't think of a different one right now) for the year. here are a few so you get the idea:
- learn the ins and outs of photo shop
- attempt 2 new recipes a week
- 8 hours of sleep a night, lots of water
.... yada yada. I won't give it all away yet. these are just some broad goals.
the bird lamp with cloud lamp shade I made on a whim the other night |
Anyways my first step is to get organized. I have slight ADHD and I can't function if things aren't in order. so until June I will be organizing, getting rid of excess, and coming up with my "commandments" and lists of skills/goals/arsenal of artistic expressions I desire to accomplish. Until then I will continue to take pictures. and post them.